Isabella, Co-founder of Löwengrip, talks about the new additions to the Skin Reboot series. The line she created with leading chemists for smooth skin and “no needles needed” approach for sensitive skin.
The process of developing the Skin Reboot series started two years ago. Just before the summer the Skin Reboot series launched with a cleansing oil, serum, 24-hour cream and a firming mask. In early October two new additions are arriving: Exfoliating Pads and Eye cream.
Why did you create this line?
“We live in a time where many are incredibly skin conscious, and use fillers or Botox. However, our consumer wants to find a more gentle, "natural" alternative without having to use injections. That’s why me and the team started to create this line. We have chosen to work with a substance that is a synthetic snake venom that works on the muscle of the skin, to make it smooth and even. Fine lines and wrinkles will be diminished”, says Isabella.
What's special about the Exfoliating Pads?
"I would particularly like to pay special attention to Exfoliating Pads because they are very gentle on sensitive skin and at the same time give a quick result that I have never experienced before."
You are known to have very sensitive skin, usually its difficult to get noticeable results with a mild and gentle skin products?
"Yes, it is hard to combine gentle products and efficacy. Hence both the new exfoliating pads and eye cream are complex products in terms of formula development. The eye area is usually extra sensitive. The new Skin Reboot eye crème is fantastic. It gives a natural glow and "alertness" to the eye area as well as moisture and prevents dark circles and puffiness under the eyes. It works perfectly under make-up and works on both horizontal and vertical lines."
How do you take care of your skin?
"It’s about trying to achieve a balanced routine in everyday life: Sleep, balanced diet and good skincare. In Swedish we call balance: lagom. It's about not having too much or too little. When it comes to anti-aging, its vital to stay away from the sun, it is the most damaging to your skin! Other keys to great skin is rest. To wind down and sleep well, I read a lot. A great way to wind down is to read a book, and not on your screen."
Anything else you do that’s good for your skin?
"Laugh! When I play and spend time with my children, I smile a lot. I notice how good it makes me feel. Being with them I am also in the now. I often switch off my phone and forget about work or other things."