#SWEDENMADE is an initiative from Löwengrip.
We pride ourselves that the bespoke Löwengrip products are developed and made in Sweden with its environmentally friendly production so we want to enhave the values our origin brings. They are gentle on the skin, but you will notice swift results immediately.
The Swedish heritage imbues the brand with an innovative approach anchored in close ties to technology in product development, resulting in cutting-edge products of outstanding quality.
Sweden is also renowned for its efficiency, sustainability, innovation, environmentally consciousness and friendliness. To put a greater spotlight on #swedenmade we have invited other Swedish brands rooted here.
Who is our first guest?
Norrsken was founded in Gothernburg in 2018 with the mission to design eco-friendly, well-designed Scandinavian everyday jackets for women. The company has a streamlined production with no middlemen why they can sell high quality at affordable prices. Transparency is key. Norrsken’s design is timeless. Classic with essential long-lasting colors. Every jacket has a flexible design to adapt to the ever-changing climate and season Scandinavia brings.
Get the chance to get a free Norrsken VISBY jacket (value 1399 SEK). How?
Spend 500 SEK on Lowengrip.com on Sunday the 28th of June. We will close the draw on Monday the 29th at noon.Of everyone that spent 500 SEK we will choose 10 random winners from our system. You will be notified by email latest June 30th and Norrsken will send you the jacket in your chosen size.

Interview with Sara Klinte Johansson
Founder & Creative Director of Norrsken Jackets
What is the most Swedish in Norrsken’s brand DNA?
The most Swedish in our DNA is our design, the Scandinavian simplicity, the colors and the focus on sustainability.
How has the Swedish heritage impacted the development of the brand?
We genuinely focus to develop jackets for the Nordic climate, we know how rough it can be, but also how lovely it is. We know that with the right garments you can always be outdoors no matter season, day or temperature. I think that the love for “vardag” is also typically Swedish, we do jackets for everyday life.
What do you like the most about the Swedish summer?
The sea, the sun and the spirit
What is Swedish fika to you?
A cup of coffee and a cinnamon roll in good company – either at a café, at home or just by the sea.
What is “embracing lagom” to you?
Be content, be happy and look at the bright side of life. You can not achieve everything yourself. Lagom is good enough - and that is usually perfect!